About T.W.E.R.T

Github SourceForge

Digital monitoring has always been either difficult or costly. Now, with our free application, you can manage your devices from anywhere easily!

Just head to download section and pick up your preferred installer, and we will take care of the rest.

TWERT (Toggleable Websites & Executeables Restrictions and Tracking ) is the next generation of light weighted domain and process monitoring. Give it a try for free.

Features and Usages

TWERT is light, simple and multi-use.

Domain Blocking

You can choose to block any domain from the admin interface.

We’re quite proud of our app’s simple-to-use features and ease of access.

Process Blocking

Give us the name of a process or executable and we will take care of the rest. It won’t be running anytime soon.

Process Blocking

Scheduled Rules

Scheduled Rules

Choose the time range for your restrictions to be in effect. Wouldn’t blocking websites during your busy time, and letting it work as usual during the rest of the day be neat?

Domain Tracking

Domain Tracking

When Process Tracking is turned on, it will record the first time you opened a site, the last time you did, and every single time in between. You can also generate a pie chart for what site you spend the most time on.

About the Developers

The TWERT team

Young and FullStack team

Trieu Tran Duc Tri
Co-founder, Packet Capture Programmer, Website Developer and Brand Designer

Dang Nam Anh
Founder and Backend Developer

Truong Duc Quan
Co-Founder and Application Developer

Download the App

 Pick your preferred installer:

Windows Linux MacOS

Since the project is open-source, you can also browse the source code at our GitHub.